“Fit” to be a Princess

My mind’s off in a whole different world today… Disney World to be in fact.

Ok, in all honestly, my mind is there on most days, but I feel like it’s a whole new level today.

Last night, we started planning my next official trip to the World… for my 23rd birthday. The weekend of the Princess Races.

Namely, the Beauty and the Beast 5k… and the Princess Half Marathon.

It’s happening. I can’t believe this.

Eric wants to go sooner… but Leah will still be in orientation when we can all start to afford stuff (and we aren’t going right now, that’s for sure), and I won’t go without her as well. I can deal with two boys… but I’m not about to go deal with those two. By myself. 927 miles away from home.

Yes, 927 miles. Dan and I google mapped directions last night.

Registration for the runs start in July… and, I know for certain, that we are doing the 5k. That shouldn’t be a problem for any of us by then (I have 2 5k’s already lined up for this year so far actually.. and am planning on running more than that), but the big question is… will we be ready for the Princess Half by then? Or should I wait for my 24th birthday to run that one?

(Note: as of now, my 24th is my last planned Disney “vacation.” Anytime after that, I am planning on visiting as a Florida resident… a move that will hopefully be happening Summer 2013.)

*****Here is where my dilemma comes in with this (besides the obvious that I am Courtney and need to learn to save money): where, and when,ย to really start training for everything? How should I change my diet? Will I even be able to do this? Will my friends?

And, one of the most important: How will Zumba fit in/help me with all of this????

Stay tuned… because the first steps towards Princess Weekend are being taken!

Insert Catchy Title Here

Well… I slept through Zumba last night. Technically, I woke up 7 minutes after the class started, but still.

Sophie and I went to visit an old friend of mine (Brennan), and the three of us walked around the neighborhood I grew up in for about half an hour, which was really nice.

Then Dan brought me a Coke Slurpee… which has been ruled not to be a soda. ๐Ÿ™‚

Seriously, some days I owe my best frannn the world. Last night would be one of them. Because what I needed then was to apparently just sit on the couch, eat homemade nachos, and watch Glee followed by 3 hours of Tosh.O.

Yea, the world doesn’t even begin to cover what I owe him lol.

But… I still don’t feel good today. Half of my office is out sick, so I’m hoping I didn’t actually catch something (that would totally be my luck, too).

I’m gonna go attempt to work now… and continue to chat with Bethany! ๐Ÿ™‚ Ughhhh, please come soon 5pm I’m ready for another nap.

I need help

I am completely lacking in motivation right now.

Here I sit, again, at Day 1. This is my third attempt at going just seven days with exercising every day.

I would have been almost there today (I believe this would have made Day 6), but I completely skipped out on the gym last night.

I went to the gym. But I didn’t actually do anything while there.

I also skipped Zumba last night… with a solid reason, or so I thought. I was working on graduation presents because the 30% off sale ended yesterday. Lo and behold, my inbox had a message today saying they were now 50% off. Curses. You made me skip Zumba.

I have no motivation to do anything besides Zumba for some reason… I know I really want to start to run, especially since I have a goal of running in Disney next Feb. But… I just can’t seem to start back on the c25k program again (my buddies, this would be a great moment for some help! lol).

I started to work on a Goals/Rewards list as a motivation of sorts, but I can’t figure out what else to add on there…. maybe someone has some suggestions as to what I can add?

So far:

  • 5 lbs: Zumba Shirt (this one’s already done! yay)
  • 10 lbs: new shoes (I love me some shoes)
  • 15 lbs: Glee cd… ๐Ÿ™‚
  • 20 lbs: new dress

Besides that, I have no idea what to think of!!! What does everyone else have for their motivations?

I got my #30daychip! :)

ย <~~ This is what I wanted to post about yesterday, instead of what I actually did end up posting.

Yesterday marked one month since I gave up soda. EEEEEEEPPPPPPPP.


Thanks so much to Brad for making me my chip, and everyone at the #7daychip family for the support. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m exhausted. I have no idea what day it is… I keep thinking it’s Friday actually. I blame Andy, since he is the Thursday night Zumba instructor and he taught half of the class last night. Truth be told, Andy and I have Zumba’d together every night since Monday so far (a little bit of Burgie a day!)… and to think, I thought the whole his older brother cheated on me thing from last month would kill our bond.

In his words: “You’re my Courtney now.” lol. I love gay guys.

Anyway… Since Sunday, I’ve done 6 hours of Zumba. Tonight is Zumba with Burgie, then Planet Fitness (most likely with Burgie as well), then tomorrow is toning…. By Sunday, I’ll have 12 hours of Zumba under my belt in one week.

I like.

And I’m not sore yet… I’m sure either Friday night’s toning, or the three hours of Zumba on Sunday will change that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok, this post is much crappier than I thought it would be… but I can’t have another yesterday – I actually need to focus and get some work done today!

I also need to go get a cup of tea… my office is colddd.

Hello Day 30, and other ramblings

The past three days have been gorgeous here. Perfect weather to work on my c25k, but… I haven’t done so. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I’ll be working on it again soon, probably starting back up tomorrow night actually.


I’m on Day 30! Thirty. I can’t believe it. I feel like I can do anything right now, I really do. And I can, I just need to put my mind to it more.

It’s so amazing that, even when you go to your favorite bar, you can stick with this… I went out with my boys on Thursday to karaoke (one of our favorite spots for it too), and I’m friends with the bartender. He started making me my drink… and promptly dumped it out the minute he realized he put a spritz of Sprite in it. Because he knew I had stopped drinking soda, and he didn’t want to ruin that with even the tiniest spritz.

He got a huge tip for it, I assure you.

I don’t miss soda at all, either. I did for a while… I mean, I was drinking a lot of them every day. But now, it doesn’t bother me at all. I can have someone sit next to me with a soda in their hand, and I just shake my head at their choice instead of secretly wishing I had one.

Invigorating, believe me.

Now… onto the second part of the #7daychip portion. Exercise.

Yes, I have restarted my attempt at 7 days of exercise. And I am already onto day 3.

Easter Sunday, there was no Zumba classes… which makes sense, obviously. But my mom and I decided we still needed it. So, we looked up our favorite songs on YouTubeย and, in our living room, started to Zumba. We did 6 songs this way. That’s about half of a class on it’s own.. then we took Sophie for a nice, long walk around our neighborhood. ๐Ÿ™‚

Monday (yesterday), I did two classes back to back. Toning, and then regular Zumba. It kicked my butt… I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I’ve actually Zumba’d like that. Almost a month, to tell the truth. I’ve been doing just single classes recently because my schedule was so hectic… but, I took advantage of last night. And it hurt.

Going to Zumba after work tonight, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m pretty sure everyย day of this chip will have Zumba involved in one form or another… but, I guess that’s what happens when you aspire to be an instructor?


This is gonna be short… but… I need some help! I did the first two days of week 1 on c25k before I hurt my ankle. Should I start over, and redo those two days? Or should I do the third one and continue? Or just skip to week 2? I’m lost in this part!!!!!!


If you look up at the top, where links to the various pages are (like the about me, playlists, etc), you’ll see that one is a link to my weight log. I figured that would be a good thing for me to see, especially if I want to keep motivating myself (kinda like how I wore shorts to Zumba last night, so my legs could motivate me to work harder).

Currently, I am at a 4.6 loss… but, right before Easter hit, I was at 6.7… I’m so close to being under 200 for the first time in ages, I can feel it.

I’m hoping next week it’ll happen.


Happy Friday virtually-non-existant readers! ๐Ÿ™‚

I sit before you now, with one thought in mind…. My water bottle kicks ass. Yes, that is my main thought right now. Why you ask? How about I tell you a little story about my water bottle’s adventure.

Yesterday afternoon, I left work (I work downtown in an office), and was walking across the street to get to where my trolley stop was. When I started crossing the street (which takes all of 5 seconds to do, not even), there were no cars coming from either direction. About halfway across the street however, my brand new water bottle decided to jump ship out of my bag and on to the road. I turned around to pick it up when, out of nowhere, a car comes zooming past, running over said bottle. The bottle ricocheted off of the tire, and right into my leg. Luckily, my leg did not bruise (well, it faintly bruised), and even more luckily, there is about an inch of scratches only on the bottom of the bottle.


So, this morning before I left for work, I was talking to my mom in the kitchen asking what they were doing today. She was saying they were going to BJ’s because Dad needs more “sodas” (aka, he’s out of his Monsters… it’s a constant battle in our household as to what to actually consider them, since they aren’t quite sodas, but they’re not really anything else either), and that if I wanted any of the blue (low carb, my addiction) ones I needed to give her $30.

I stared at her like she was crazy.

Mom: “What?”
Me: “It’s been 18 days since I’ve had a Monster, mom. I don’t want any, I’m good.”
Mom: “Wait… what HAVE you been drinking? Because before this, you only drank Monsters, and soda when you couldn’t get a Monster?”
Me: “water. And hot tea… I’ve had a little green tea too, but mostly water.”

That was probably the best conversation I’ve had about that. The funny thing is, when I started this no-soda thing, I told myself that I wouldn’t consider Monsters as soda so I could still have my energy boost if I needed it.

I subconsciously quit drinking them the day after I quit soda. Without even thinking about it, I just stopped.



Man, it feels good.

So, today is day 19 without soda (nothing really special happened about day 18 yesterday, so we don’t really need to look at it), and it’s day 4 of my second 7daychip. ๐Ÿ™‚

My exercise chip.

Which I totally beasted last night… I went to the gym after class, and didn’t end up leaving the gym until almost 11:30. Booyah. I’m cool. 2, almost 2.5 hours of gym time. The pain is less today than yesterday (except for in my ab area), but I did more cardio as well. Speaking of which….


Last night was week 1, day 2 of my training. It went so quickly!!! I felt great being on that treadmill (I am not running outside at 9pm, no way), and I actually was starting to train myself around 11:30 mile timing. Which isย crazy for me, but still. I ended up going 2.3 miles last night on the treadmill, and skipping the very end of the cooldown (oops) to run just once more… at a 10:40 mile pace. ๐Ÿ˜€

I also ran into my *favorite* Zumba instructor while there last night, so he and I were on the weight machines together, which was a lot of fun (and helpful) too.

The downside of w1d2 (yes, there is a downside): Towards the end of my runs, I felt a little pain in my left foot, right around the ankle area. I decided to push through it because I didn’t want to give up on a good workout, and it was a really tiny pain.

It’s still there… and wearing high heels is not helping it (I’m only in socks right now, with ice on it).

I guess I’ll find out if I actually hurt it or not tonight at Zumba, but you better believe it’s not going to stop me from staying active. ๐Ÿ™‚ I may have to tone it down a little, but, just watch foot, I’ll be unstoppable just like my water bottle.

Looking Back on Yesterday

I am so sore.

That’s the only thought that has gone through my head all day. Every time I yawn/stretch, I feel it in my abs. Every time I stand up to get another case, my legs (especially my thighs) are stiff. Not to mention what I feel in my arms.

Something must be working right then.


Yesterday was, as stated before, days 17 and 2. Both were a bit of a struggle for me to tell the truth. I was just downright exhausted yesterday, and I knew I was coming home from work to a TON of homework. I barely made a dent in it last night (woohoo for end of the semester?)!

This is the time of the semester where any and every single good, healthy habit would go out the window. Sleep? No, there’s no time for that, I have a 10 page paper to work on. Gym? Ha, not a chance, didn’t you see how much I have to study for that final! Healthy diet? No, takes too much time… just give me something quick, with sugar, and a Monster so that I can just eat and stay awake.

That’s been me for the past 4 years now… Because I go into stressful freak out mode around now (you should see my to do list! and how I have my laptop next to me, on my lunch, working on my science outline for my final tomorrow).

But, when I got off of work yesterday, what did I do? I went to Kohls. ๐Ÿ™‚ And got a new pair of sneakers (mine wore out), and another sports bra… then I went to the gym to break those sneakers in. I didn’t stay long, just did a half hour weights circuit.

Just that half hour, which really had no cardio in it even, was enough to wake me up and get my brain back into focus. I should have done that years ago!

But, when I got home, and was halfway through an assignment, my mind started to wander… I was losing my focus quickly… and I wanted my Monster. But, I didn’t go get one. I didn’t want to face the guilt of buying it after going so long without. So, I just drank my water instead.

And, I’m glad I did. I got on the scale this morning and saw my first loss since I started to Zumba back in January.


So ready to take on Day 18 and Day 3 today! ๐Ÿ™‚

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