Some fitness motivation

Looking for a reason to workout? Try one of these 50…

(Yes, I owe you a big update. Soon I promise. Not at 4 am though! Lol)


Morning update

I know I just wrote last night but… I had to do a little phone update to share this. See that spike? That’s the heaviest I’ve EVER been in my life. I’m about 12 pounds down from that (yay!) so I’m feeling good this morning. 🙂


The Challenge

Ok, bear with me, my brain is going about 20 different directions tonight after working a closing shift at Universal (wait, what? When did I switch from Disney to Universal??? WELLLLLLLL……. Maybe that can be another post! But Universal is just a part-time job I started to have me not being bored in the summer while I’m not teaching!), so I felt the need to blog.


Do you know the toughest thing about trying to get back on track while living in Florida? I had planned ALLLLLL day to go for a run once I got home from work because I knew I had extra energy (I slept in! Huzzah!!!), but of course it starts with a lightning storm as soon as I step out of work. I got done at 9:30, almost 3 hours ago. It’s still storming. And Florida is ALWAYS like this, I plan to run, and it rains as soon as I have a chance to go! 😦 Boo.

So, I’m doing a back up type of workout. Namely: cleaning, and quasi-packing for the big move at the end of next month! woot woot! 😀

So many things in my life you dear readers don’t know about because I’m a horrible blogger! So sorry about that!


So, about the title of this post (see? I told you… MIND. EVERYWHERE.)…. my mom has challenged Shaun (the boyfriend) and I to lose 25 pounds between the two of us by the end of this month. Which is really what helped kickstart this getting-on-track-again bit. I mean, we had planned to revamp our eating habits and start running training with it being summer and me not teaching anyway, but it gives us a good incentive.

this was us a year ago… in our Iron Man glory! And look at my pretty hair, I miss it 😦


andddd us back in May. I love and hate this picture. Love because, well BOBA FETT and hate because of how terrible I look!


we definitely have the weight to lose. My mom had us take pictures of our feet on the scale when we started and then we’re going to take pictures again at the end of the month. I can’t tell you where we’re at now though… our scale is broken. I mean, I don’t think I went from 237 to 102 in just over a week. That would be bad. And seeing as I still look like the girl in the Boba Fett picture (but with super short hair now), I don’t think it’s true.

It is kinda really sad that the only pictures we have of each other are actually only selfies because I hate seeing myself. The only reason this picture made it online in the first place was because of who we got to meet… my face is even blotchy from crying, a sight I would never allow on the web!

Goal: see this girl? She was in a size 12 just last April. This was me 70 POUNDS ago. I know i can do that and more.


I wore this blue dress a couple months back, and let me tell you it looked nothing like this on me. It barely covered my butt! But, I know I can get back to her again – a girl who was just starting to feel okay with herself and was on the way to being healthy.

Which is why I jumped at the chance of my mom’s challenge. Shaun wasn’t as keen, but I think that’s partially because this is his first time ever doing anything concerning weight loss besides a few runs with me. The poor boy.


So, in honor of the challenge… what are things you’ve found that work? That didn’t work? I’m trying to help Shaun understand what to eat and do and what’s bad (hard for picky eaters like us!), but it is definitely a struggle. Where were the little things you started with? If you were to start fresh, what would be your biggest goal?



I’m going to try to really use this blog again… it was a motivation for me when I could use it often. So hopefully I’ll get some of the pages up top updated with new things and whatnot. Stay tuned! 🙂


Getting back in the saddle

Moving to Florida one thing has become a bigger struggle than in Delaware: my weight. This time last year, I was almost 70 pounds lighter than I am now. 


But, I don’t know where to start or what to do. All I know is I do have a half marathon in November (the Avengers 1/2 to be exact, in Disneyland), then planning on Glass Slipper next February. So I gotta do something.



The Mouse House

Hey guys remember me? Disney obsessed, ran two Disney races, attempting to lose weight in the process of life?

This girl? :


I know, I’m terrible at this whole updating business… As much as I try, it’s just hard to update a blog when you really don’t touch your laptop that often. There’s a lot that’s been going on the past few months, some of which I vaguely touched on the last post with saying “Oh hey, I work for Disney and ran a half marathon on my 24th birthday,” and some I completely left out like “Hey, so Dan and I broke up on mutual terms and are still best buds and now I have an amazing boyfriend in Florida who makes me the happiest… and I’m not only working for Disney on the college program but moving here and staying when it’s done and am doing ANOTHER half marathon this year in November.”

See? Updates need to happen more often.


But… I had a friend earlier who asked if I had blogged about any of my work experience at Disney, and said that she would definitely read it. And I got to thinking… huh, maybe I should do that. Bring the ole blog back to life again. You know, start writing more.

(who knows, maybe it’ll start me running again more and help with that aspect)


Which is what leads to this current post I’m writing right now.

I’ve been in Florida for 5 months already, and have only gone back to Delaware for two days since I moved down at the beginning of January. I was ready to come back here the second my plane landed in Philly actually. And, in all honesty, these past five months I have never been happier than I am now. Working for the Mouse has always been a huge dream of mine, since the really young age of four… but the reality of it has proved to be so much more than I ever hoped it could be. I’ve gotten to work at a lot of different locations, worn a bunch of costumes (some not so flattering – I mean, seriously? I looked like a fat, blue baby in one), and most importantly met some of the most amazing people ever.

Some of those people were pretty interesting too…..






So I’m going to be updating a bit more about what it’s like to work at Disney and everything like that….


For tonight, a bit about where I work.

I work in what’s called Zone 1 Number 1 in Downtown Disney – namely: Team Mickey, Tren-D, Disney’s Pin Traders, Marketplace Stroller and Wheelchair Rental, and a Bridgecart down by Fulton’s Crab House. Lots and lots of places. I’m also currently working Star Wars Weekends at Hollywood Studios, but that can be a different post for a different day.

I have three costumes I wear between the five places:



And I have had the chance to meet the best group of coworkers Disney could have given me for the perfect College Program (Note about this next picture, most of those featured have already gone home which is depressing… but the picture is from February, so it’s now 4 months old)….


I also get to spend my days off inside the parks playing and enjoying myself to no end – and I do just that on multiple occasions.

And, as much as I would love to go into even MORE detail about how wonderful my life is here and give you stories upon stories about what I do (though a lot would have to do with Ewoks at the moment due to SWW taking over my brain)… it is currently 2:30 in the morning, I worked a 12.5 hour shift yesterday/today, and am in the midst of a 60 hour work week while having not slept since Saturday night. So you shall just have to deal with what has been written for now. 🙂


Until next time, which will be in the next few days at the latest, ciao lovelies!

The journey…. 12 months ahead of me

Hey guys, guess what! I’m still alive and existing… in Florida! I’ve been living right outside of Disney for almost 2 months already, time has gone crazy quick… and I’m another year older! wooooooo. Happy birthday week to MEEEE.


Also, this has happened:

482650_4593681115340_806383059_nyes, that says HALF MARATHON on it.

I can now say that I’ve completed my first half, but I’m nowhere near where I want to be in my weightloss journey (I’m still right around the 200 mark), and am a bit disappointed in my timing for the race since I didn’t train as much as I said I would. So, the next 12 months are going to be a long, hard working journey for me, and I would like to invite you to join me in it.


So, where do you see yourself in 12 months? And how are you going to get there?

Follow along, let’s all help each other! Remember… even a 20 minute workout is just a small fragment of your entire day. Make time for it! Facebook and tumblr will still be there afterwards. 🙂

I plan on starting by following this calendar for March (brought to you by Back on Pointe’s wonderful tumblr), so join me! 🙂


I’ll update all about the race later, with pictures of my timing and everything. Right now, I have to get a quick shower since I ran a recovery run earlier, and head out to work!

Ciao lovelies!


I’m back! I swear!

AHHHHH I’m sorry! I really am! I wouldn’t be surprised if all of my followers left me 😦

If you didn’t notice from my last post… no, I didn’t fall off of the running bandwagon. In fact, I can cross a few things off of my Goals list you see above. I think I’ll do that at some point tonight since I’m trying to get my life updated. 🙂

For those of you who don’t remember me (it’s been a while since a real post), I’m Courtney/Kortni, and I have been struggling/working on losing weight for a while now. This specific journey I’m on now started last November actually. Unfortunately, I did slack a bit towards the end of summer with student teaching and gained a good bit of my progress back on, but now I am back in full force.

And by full force, I mean my workouts since last Monday (day off) consists of:

  • Tuesday 10/16: 2.16 mile treadmill Interval run for 32:20 minutes, at 14:58 average
  • Wednesday 10/17: hour gym workout with a mile run on the treadmill.
  • Thursday 10/18: 2.60 mile interval run for 37:25 minutes, at 14:23 average
  • Sunday 10/21: 4.0 mile interval run for 57:12 minutes, at 14:18 average.
  • Today 10/22: hour at BodyStep with mom… almost threw up after, so you know how intense that was!

And I’ve done both my second MudRun and the 10 miler race in the past month. and started training for my half marathon in February.



So I will be moving to Florida on January 3rd, and moving into my apartment on the 7th, to work at Walt Disney World for 7 glorious months. I’m excited.

And nervous.

Oh so nervous.

To the point that I cry on my boyfriend’s shoulder/stomach/back/anywhere at least once a weekend in fear because there’s so many emotions going through me that I kinda explode when he’s around.

Because, the truth is, I’m the most upset about leaving him.

Part of me, the part that knows Dan and knows myself completely, knows that he and I will work it out and make it through. Dan’s told me this. To the point that he’s said (just as recently as yesterday actually), “Even if I’m not physically there, I’m always with you and I’ll be by your side every step of this. And cheering you on. Because I love you.”

But… there’s the part of me that is use to my past relationships, and that’s the part that likes to take over my brain and mess with my emotions and make me scared.

So that’s something I’m going through right now. Big time. And of course, that’s messing with my weight as well since I’m so stressed.


Another stress:

I made this for my students!


My life is controlled by 24 third grade students. It’s getting easier now that I’m into my solo weeks, but it’s still a scary, daunting thing that I’m doing every single day. I’ve at least come to realize that running helps. a lot. So, when I’m starting to feel overwhelmed, I just go for my training… or I throw in some other type of killer workout, like I did tonight.


I just wanted to give you a life update, and ramble for a bit apparently. I’m going to try to start updating more often for you guys, but of course I can’t promise too much. 🙂


On a final note:


I’m bad at this…

I’m still here, I promise!

Disney is 35 days away and I’m stuck in a not wanting to train funk of course. I would love to say that the transition to student teaching, which has included hours of boring meetings this week, has been the culprit (only slightly…) but I know it’s not. It’s laziness. And I need out of the funk!

But I need to clean first, so that’s a priority to take care of right now because I need a place on my desk to do those millions of papers and lesson plans that will torment me the next few months. Lol.

After that, I’ll do yoga and the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I promise. And run tomorrow.

Just keep me accountable!!!!

I joined this app called SlimKicker that has points and achievements (kortni24 is my username if you use it), so hopefully that helps?

Any other suggestions for me to get this going again?

An overdue update!

Updating from my phone quickly before I go into nerd girl mode to read some Game of Thrones. 🙂

Sorry it’s been a bit since I’ve updated, I’ve had a pretty stressful few weeks. For those of you who don’t know, next week is my last week at the law firm and then I go on to student teaching.

I’m terrified. And it’s been overwhelming.

I’ve also noticed a big decay in my fitness because of it, but I am working on that. Which is the cause of the update.

Dan got me into playing ultimate frisbee. So twice a week, I play in a league of sorts in our area with him. We actually played tonight, and despite the fitness decay, I’m getting better. Especially in sprinting. I’m also getting more confident in catching and actually try to position myself in places where I can catch.

Tonight I made a mistake that’s going to happen a lot more though… I decided to run a lap of the park before we played. That’s how I found out I’m getting out of shape more. It was a bigger struggle, and we were just shy of 2 miles. My average was 13:27, which is still disney timing but… I walked a lot more than I wanted to.

So it’s back to practicing a lot more. I added on some squats, sit ups, and push ups when I got home to try to balance all the running between the training and frisbee. My body hates me for it, but hey, it’ll have to get use to it right? 🙂

Training Update

I know, I promised I would start updating more. I’m a horrible person. But… you must understand:

  • I’m in the midst of transitioning all of my stuff at work to the new girl.
  • I’m getting ready to start student teaching.
  • I am babysitting in my spare time to make money.
  • I just started playing Frisbee with Dan and his friends (yay exercise!).
  • I still have no time in life.

So, I am doing my training (I’ve missed 2 runs in the past few weeks due to the heat being so bad), but I haven’t had time to update about every one of them. I’ve meant to, I just haven’t had the chance.


But let me tell you about training this past Saturday (the 14th). Over the weekend, Leah was down, so she was forced to come with Angel and I to do our Saturday run. And Angel and I finally got back to running together (I’ve missed her).

The plan was to do either 4 or 6 miles on Saturday… in reality, we only did one lap of the park (which is 2.6 miles) since we were just getting back into the swing of long Saturday runs. We thought it would be best to do 1 lap this week, and then do 2 next week, getting us to 5.5, and letting our bodies readjust.

And then Angel decides at the end that since we’re doing only one lap, we had to throw a hill into our run. So we ran up a hill. A really really BIG hill. I swear, I almost died at the top. But I ran the whole thing! Which is a huge accomplishment for me.

And there’s ramps in the Tower run in *gulp* 75 days, so hill training is not a bad thing to do.


I’m hoping to get out tonight and do a couple of laps at the park close to my house (and say hi to everyone playing Frisbee of course), but we’ll see what this tickle in my throat and stuffed nose will let me do at the end of the work day.


Happy exercising everyone!!!! 🙂

(BTW, what are you all doing for exercise and such? Any big goals coming up soon?)

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