84 days left

Well, I’m 84 days away from Disney. I figured out a few days ago that I was a day off on my countdown, so the “99 problems” thing is slightly irrelevant now since I decided on 100 days out instead of 99… but I’m not gonna change it now, I like the name!

Over the weekend, I went to visit Leah in Atown (yay), and I got myself a little black book… entitled “Diet and Fitness Journal,” so now I have a cute little way to actually track what I do that fits right in my purse. I tried doing the online/iPod one… but you needed wifi for it, and I’m usually not near wifi (and it messes with my work computer so that’s out of the question too).

I am currently at 3 pounds down, and last week wasn’t really as good of a week as I wanted it to be (didn’t get to the gym because of homework, etc. Didn’t eat enough… you know, those things), but I’m determined to make this week a better one. I’ll just need to be careful on Thursday! Ack!

I’ll keep you updated on how it goes with the writing down my foods, and the keeping track of calories against my BMR, etc.

One of my good friends graduated from college with a nutrition degree (she wants to be a dietician), and she’s been working on herself first. She reported yesterday that she lost 5% of her body weight so far! I couldn’t be more proud. But she’s going to come over this week and devise a plan for me to help me get myself on a healthier path towards a happier me. Aka, a me that will love my pictures from Disney! So, once I get that plan I’ll post it here as well to help keep a record of it and how it works out for me. 🙂

Also.. it’s been over 2 weeks since my last beer, and I’ve had 2 sodas in that time (one was a ginger ale because my stomach was really upset – I don’t count that against me. The other was a Coke Zero over the weekend because I decided I wasn’t going to completely punish myself and I let me enjoy it for once!).

I’ve got 99 problems, but my weight ain’t one.

I’ve decided that that is the name for my weightloss attempt this time around. Yes, the first post on here was at day 97 towards my trip but… I made the decision to get on track when I was 99 days away from the World. And, as I said, I want to see a difference in myself in 99 days.

My difference so far: -2.8 pounds.

I am on Day 7 without drinking any beer (yay me), and Day 6 of no soda (a bigger feat… I’ll celebrate the beer if I make it a month without tasting a Yuengling). Plus, I’ve been making an effort to get some sort of exercise in every day. Monday night and Tuesday night I went to the gym, last night I walked from campus to the Dunkin Donuts and back (23 minutes, and 145 calories burned) for a 40 calorie iced coffee to keep me awake during class. Tonight, I plan on walk/jogging the neighborhood behind campus between work and school… and tomorrow is back to the gym. Not to mention the morning puppy walks with Mom, which range between 100 and 170 calories depending on the day.

I got one of those watches from WalMart that measure your calories lost during exercise, and your heartrate. You know, the $30 one. It’s pretty nice, and is set up for my age. I like it so far.

As of now, I’m at 94 days away (Huzzah!), and I know I have a few more healthy habits I really need to start working on. You know: sleeping better, drinking more water, taking vitamins, getting in veggies, actually eating a decent amount. Those things, which will all help me lose weight in the long run (and live longer, etc etc etc)… but trying to change them all at once will backfire on me, because I’m that type of person. So… where do I go next?

97 Days – a Life Update

I swear I didn’t forget about this blog, life’s just been rather busy the past month between work, finishing a block of classes, starting the next block (ick), Pampered Chef, and Disney planning.

I actually had to go and look to see when I last posted… a month from yesterday (sorry!!!).  Well, here’s your update on my life:

  • I am now a Pampered Chef consultant, so if you need any cooking tools… I’m your girl! 😉
  • I got my first C+ at Wilm U (it has been decided by many that it was a the teacher’s fault… I mean, in reality, an 85 is not a C+. Nor is an 89, which is what a classmate got, and she was marked C+ as well), a fact that has completely depressed me. It stands out like a sore thumb on my transcript… which I’ve worked very hard at keeping all “A’s” on!
  • We are currently 97 days away from Dan and my first trip somewhere together… the Disney trip has completely changed from being a Princess Run with the 4 of us to a Valentines trip for just the two of us. I’m excited, because I get to go to Disney – which is the only part of the trips I was really ever concerned about. 🙂
  • I stopped drinking beer (Day 4) and soda (Day 3) to try to work on getting healthier. So, we’re back to doing the #7daychip thing! 🙂

Also, I got on the scale last Thursday… it was not a pretty sight at all. I kinda wish I could walk around everywhere with a huge bag over me. I feel so disgusting. 😦 But, I’m going to the gym after work today, so maybe that will help me out a bit? I hope at least! I’m thinking about looking into Dr. Oz’s Transformation Nation to give me an extra boost to help out this ordeal.

I mean, I only have 97 days now to get myself into a better me… I need to get moving!

Intervals and Motivators

I can’t stand rainy days, they’re so sluggish and, well, dark. Especially when you’re sitting in a room by yourself, and the main thing you look at (besides papers and a computer) is a window that shows you just how sluggish and dark it is outside. The view alone is enough to try to put you to sleep, but couple that with filing, and man you’re gone if you’re not careful.

It’s also the type of situation that, if you’re not careful, you will be snacking without realizing it. I actually took this into consideration this morning when I packed, and made sure that I had put my favorite snack (reduced fat cheez-its!) into my calorie count so I wouldn’t feel guilty about it happening. And also so I wouldn’t tempt myself with the fact that there is a vending machine 13 floors down that has chocolate in it.

For once, I feel like I have things that I wanted to talk about outside of it being about me personally. Shocking, I know, but I’m going to admit it’s for selfish reasons, because it could be helpful for me! 🙂

Interval Training

Every exercise you participate in should have intervals – whether it be cardio, strength, or something inbetween like Zumba©. If you try to just go in your exercise, you will wear yourself out quicker. Think about it this way: you know the newer type of roller coasters out? The ones where they have so much force/momentum put into their start, shoot straight into the air, and are done within a minute? Well, compare that to a roller coaster that has multiple hills (like El Toro at Great Adventure), and how much longer of a ride it is.

Our muscles work in a similar fashion. If we use our energy in one shot (like trying to sprint as far as we can, or giving it our all during a warm up song), then our bodies will tire that much quicker. So we need to moderate, and do things in intervals.

We do this even in Zumba© classes. You start off with warm ups, that get just a little bit more intense with song, then you go into the cardio work out. The intesity of the songs during the main workout match the hills of a roller coaster, increasing and decreasing with each song, until you reach the end. Right before the ending, there is the strength section, where you give it your all – like the circled section of a coaster, and then you go into your cool down.

This is great for the body! It helps to channel the deeper energy stores you have to keep your body going longer, and stronger.

Goals and Motivators

The second/third thing(s) I wanted to talk about deals with setting goals and finding motivation. I wasn’t sure if I should group these together or separate them, since your goals can act as motivation (like they sometimes do with me), but people can also motivate.

As good as “lose weight” and “look good” sound, they aren’t really helpful goal wise. They don’t set anything for you, and are very easy with frustrating you. Trust me, I would definitely know about that one. Instead, make goals that you will want to enjoy reaching – and have them relate to your weightloss journey. For instance, a bunch of my goals have to do with Zumba©, like passing my trainings, and getting classes together. These all relate to the fact that I want to lose weight since it’s exercise, BUT they are also something that I enjoy doing more than anything.

Another goal I have has a time limit on it, and that’s the Princess Weekend. I haven’t done much training for it yet, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t my goal. I have given up on doing the 1/2 marathon this upcoming year (instead, I will do it in 2013), but I want to still be confident that I could do it in February if I had a desire to. I also want to complete the 5k that we are doing in a certain time (not sure what yet), so that’s what I’m going to start working towards once I get my butt in gear running/jogging/etc wise.

Also, make sure the goals you set are not unreachable, the point isn’t to frustrate yourself. The point is to achieve and feel great! To believe in yourself!

And one thing that helps with that is motivation. Goals are a part of your motivation (as I said before), but one of the biggest things I’ve found that help me is the people I talk to around me, both online and off. I enjoy going to workout with my mom, and my friends. We’re all becoming more concious about what we’re eating and doing, especially with Dan and Eric since they’re starting to train for Princess Weekend as well.

This blog has been one of my biggest motivators. You guys are AMAZING. I love getting emails saying that I have comments, and getting to read your stories as well. It’s enlightening and helpful.

I started to use my loseit.com account again (look me up! camacl24), especially since my mom has started to use it too. So, if you’ve come to my blog from there, welcome! Stay, make yourself at home, I could use you. 🙂

Another great place to find motivation is a wonderful social network called Twitter. Hashtags make it so that people going through the same thing as you find you so quickly, and they’re even quicker to help you out. I especially loved this when I quit drinking soda (which I need to re-do), because the #7daychip group was so supportive!

Lastly, if you’re on a forum of people with common interests, don’t be afraid to reach out and see if anyone there is looking to diet! You can build a support system through there, and create new friendships along the way… which is another thing I’ve done over at the wdwmagic forums. 🙂


Ok, that all being said… I’m going to go off and enjoy a nice lunch date with my ex-office mate! Have a good rest of your Tuesday everyone. 🙂

Somewhat of a Quickie…

Well, that’s interesting. If anyone was wondering, that was not how I started my post out yesterday. Apparently, wordpress ate a paragraph (maybe two?) of my Tuesday update (craziness, I tell ya!). I don’t know what happened to it, but it’s gone… and I know for a fact that I did not start it off by talking about the fact that only mom and I were in the class. I believe I started with talking about her dragging me there, and how it’s a strength-training only class, etc etc.


Anywho, last night, after we walked the dogs (right now, Rocco is making that a strength training exercise too), Mom and I decided to get in the pool… and Eric joined us (yay!). So we were having a lot of fun enjoying that, since the Tuesday night Zumba class we would have gone to was cancelled last night. Eric was doing kickboxing or something in the pool, and kept saying how wonderful it felt. I love that him and Dan are finally understanding my thinking, and being much more supportive than they were back at the end of March. But we were in the pool for a little under an hour.

Which means last night started my 21 day challenge (click here for the big deets). Two wonderful ladies, Melissa and Lorena, came up with the challenge, and I (along with Emily and a few others so far) have accepted. 🙂 So, my goal is to get a bit of exercise in daily, outside of walking the pups. Make sure to hold me accountable on this one!

I am thinking of doing my run tonight when I get home for it… even though it’s wicked hot outside today (stinking heat index). :\

By the way, thank you to everyone who has said they liked the blog change! I really like it, and it’s definitely Zumba colored. 🙂 You’re seriously the best.

So, a question… what is your favorite workout activity? You already know mine, so now tell me about yours!


Well, that was a bit painful…


We were the only two last night, so guess who had a personal trainer a la BodyPump??? yeah…. OUCH. I just did one of those yawn stretches, and it was painful.

I can’t wait to do it again! It was really nice, because (even with doing Zumba Toning when I can) I feel like I haven’t had a good strength workout in a while. When I actually get to go to the gym, I love doing the weights… especially on the legs because I can feel it. I’m not too much a fan of doing arms, because I feel weak, but I enjoyed this one.
So, if you’re looking for something new and definitely challenging, I would highly suggest trying this class out… maybe more than once, because I think it’s one of those that you have to go a few times to really get the full effect of it!
In other news, I have made some changes to the blog, so if you’re just looking at this through a subscription page or email (or Google Reader… AHEM. You know who you are.), make sure you come stop by the actual blog too and check it out! It is definitely a more “Zumba” themed design now. 🙂
I did my weigh-in this morning, after my mom’s suggestion, and my scale went a little nutzo. First, it said 205.4, which didn’t make sense to me to gain 5 lbs in the past week. Then it said 185.4 (I wish), which really didn’t make any sense to me. So I tried a third time… 200.3. So I lost .4 this past week, which I am ok with! I just wish it was .4 more so I could finally say that I was under 200…. oh well, next week!
Any suggestions as to what my stupid scale has been doing???
Finally, I am a part of the #5kin100days and really need to get my butt running some for it. I started a week behind, so I’m planning my first run tonight after work. I’ll let you know how it goes! I’m hoping this will help me to start training for Princess Weekend. 🙂
Lastly, I am saying goodbye to soda… again. My stomach hasn’t been upset since Saturday/Sunday-ish, so I am hoping that I’ll be ok. Welcome back to restarting my #7daychip! So expect some updates on how that’s going as well.
Thanks everyone for your continuous support, I won’t be able to do it without you! (seriously, 53 comments as of this morning! I love you guys!)

Zumba Buddies!

Beto - the Zumba Originator

My family and I have recently gotten the Zumba game for the Wii at our house (we now own two Wii’s, but my dad keeps our old one at work… the new one Dan and I call the Tron Wii instead of the White Wii), and, seeing as I didn’t really have a chance for a Zumba class or gym work out last night, I decided to do a quick 20 minute workout on the game before the guys came to get me for Thursday night shenanigans. I started my workout around 8:20, because Dan said he would be at my house around 9 or so to come pick me up.

Which is exactly why he and Eric walked through our front door at 8:30 (not a happy Courtney)… and I had the wonderful (and awkward) experience of doing the Zumba game in front of my two best guy friends, including a belly dancing cool down. But it ended up being worth it for what happened after.

Eric: “Can I try a song?”



Ahhhhhhh. This made me so excited, to the point that I can’t even begin to comprehend my excitement inside of me. They were both actually really good to tell the truth, especially Eric (I swear, he must have done it before)… but it was still funny to watch.

We ended up leaving at like 9:20 because they were enjoying themselves so much.

But, wait, it gets even better.

Eric: “You know, I’m thinking that if I go to Zumba with you, I will have rock-hard abs by the end of summer.”
Dan: “I was thinking the same exact thing.”
Eric: “Give me a week to get my toe healed and we’ll go with you.” (Eric just had a toenail removed)

And, that is how you get two guys into Zumba my friends! So. Excited.

On another note, my friend Xixa got me to start using a new iPod app/website called myfitnesspal.com and I’m kinda excited about it (not gonna lie). So if any of you readers out there use the site, pleaseeee go add me I could use all of the support/friendship/help that I can get! (It’s kortni24 of course)

Lastly, two new pages have been recently added to the blog: “Goals” and “Photos.” If you recall, the other day I listed a thing of goals that I am going to be working towards… well, that page is going to be where I keep track of them, and more will be added along the way. As for the photos, well I stole that from Slim Em’s blog, and you can see the progress/terrible Courtney photos that are up (As well as random appearances of Dan and Eric).

That’s all I really have for now, I’m planning on getting another Wii workout in tonight (either by doing Zumba, or WiiFit, or playing Sports, or EA Active… or a mixture), so I would say to expect another update later.

OH and I am going on that 5k tomorrow so wish me luck!

The Good and the Bad

Post #3 for today (even though I know wordpress says this is being updated on Thursday, it is currently 10:10pm on Wednesday).

I felt the need to update once more while I’m waiting for my “date(s)” (aka, Eric Dan and Kyle) to get here for our movie excursion of the night. Eric and I are off to see Pirates, whilst Dan and Kyle go to Hangover Part Dos (it sold out before E & I could get tickets. Ugh).

My reason, well reasons, is (are) simple.

  1. I broke my chip.
  2. I took my measurements.

Ok, so I got to school and was having the worst trouble trying to sit through my class tonight because of how upset my stomach was. By this point, I had already tried my Coke Slurpee (great when having a crappy day, or a throat cold… doesn’t do it right for stomach bugs), and it didn’t help.

So, I caved. At least my stomach now feels better, right? Because I sure don’t. I blame that mostly on my school not having ginger ale, thus subjecting me to *shudder* a Coke. Diet, of course, but still. Not even a Coke Zero! 😦 I was distressed. Annnnddd it tasted nasty. Grr.

Hopefully I will be restarting tomorrow over at Day 1, but… since I already had one today (and my stomach is starting to feel queasy again), I know for a fact that the movie theater does have Coke Zero. 🙂

Now… onto the Measurements!!! I take my measurements every month (save February) sometime during the last week, usually around the 29th. Obviously, I was a little early this month (blame trying to order a stinking MOH dress for that one), but they are done nonetheless.

I may not have lost much weight (about 14-15 since Thanksgiving, give or take. It really should be more), but I’ve definitely lost a lot of inches. A LOT. And only since January, since I started measuring when I started Zumba-ing.

Drum roll please.

As of today, I have lost a total of 22 inches. 🙂 5 this past month alone (I really shouldn’t have lost any, this month was kinda bad).

This just goes to show that Zumba by itself is a great weight resource… but you really should eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and live out a full healthy life to get your potential.

I am unfortunately smitten with being able to get alcohol with my guys still, so that is the main reason I don’t lose much weight etc (working on it…. very very slowly).

So yes, 22 inches. That’s the true reason why I updated tonight, because I am so over-the-moon excited about this that it isn’t even funny. I’m probably not even going to say hi to the guys when I see them.

Dan and Eric: “Oh hai, Courtney.”
Me: “Ise lost 22 inches! Whatcha think of that boys????”

Yup, totally us. ❤

#7daychip breakdown

Two posts in one day… man, something must be up.  Oh wait, there is.

I almost caved.

Today is Day 59 of no soda from when I started that #7daychip, and I am on the verge of caving.

Not because I am craving a soda, or the extra sugar or anything like that.

My stomach is really upset. Like terribly so.

All I want is a ginger ale!! 😦 preferably diet, so I don’t have all that sugar.

Mom suggested either getting that or a Diet Coke Zero on the way to class here in a little bit.

So, tomorrow, you may very well be back to Day 1. Or you could make it to Day 60. Who knows, only time, and my stomach, can tell….

Getting Back on Track

My newest attempt at running starts this Saturday with Brad’s 5k program. I have a lot more faith for this set since I’m following an instructor (in a sense) instead of trying to do a program solely on my own.

It stinks, because I love the feeling of running (weird to say, I know), but I am so out of shape that it does me no good at all. I feel like if I can actually get myself into shape this summer with this program, then I can run as much as I want without worry of damage. I think this is a good place to get back on with the #7daychip program (since I haven’t done anything since that giving up soda thing that happened, oh, 58 days ago).

So, challenge accepted to be able to master the 5k within the next 100 days, and then to continue to train for the Princess Half.


Hey, I may not wind up doing the half because of reasons previously mentioned, but it is now my goal to be able to run that much by the time Feb does come around so that way I know that I can do this.

So, for a list of goals.

  1. I want to run a full 5k. In the next 100 days (thus the name of the program).
  2. I want to be able to run 13 miles come next February.
  3. I want to pass my Zumba Training next Friday (yes, nothing to do with this post.. but IT’S NEXT FRIDAY).
  4. To lose 10 pounds by July 9th.
  5. To lose 50 by Christmas.

Yeah I think that’s about it.


“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” ~Walt Disney

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